Welcome to

"Baat Karlo - A Judgment-Free Zone"

Welcome to

"Baat Karlo - A Judgment-Free Zone"

Welcome to Baat Karlo – your safe space.  In our day to day lives, stress can be a burden. All we need is someone understanding to hear us out without any judgement.

We listen to you and help you without judging you on what you shared. Your secrets are kept with us, safe and sound, so go head, cry, laugh, share, and open with Baat Karlo

Who benefits from our services?

  • Those facing relationship issues
  • Those facing issues with their Spouses, In-Laws, Parents, or children
  • Those dealing with extra marital affairs
  • Teenagers

Online Consultation Packages

  • 30 Minute Online Consultation – 1500 Rs

Do you need a quick session to vent out your emotions? Our 30-minute online session is perfect for it!

  • 1 Hour Online Consultation: 2000 Rs

For a longer, more detailed expressive session, where you can vent your feelings out in peace and detail.

Meet Our Counselor

Mr Counsellor is our experienced guide who will help you sail through your issues, no matter how big or small. He has a Doctorate in Psychology and 25+ years of experience. He has helped various people navigate through life’s stormy seas, successfully.

To maintain a safe and secure environment, we have kept Mr Counsellor’s identity a secret. Whether you are facing personal struggles or seeking guidance, Mr. Counsellor is here to support you every step of the way.


1. What is Baat Karlo?

Baat Karlo is a judgment-free zone where you can vent about your thoughts and feelings without fear of being judged.

2. How can counselling help me?

Counselling offers a safe and confidential space to express yourself. It can help you gain understandings into your emotions, improve relationships, and develop surviving strategies for life’s challenges.

3.Will my information be kept confidential?

Yes, your privacy is our priority. All sessions are confidential, and your information is kept secure. You can freely discuss your concerns without worry.

4. What topics can I discuss in counselling?

You can discuss any topic that is important to you. From personal struggles like anxiety and depression to relationship issues or career concerns, our counsellors are here to listen and help you navigate these challenges.

5 Rescheduling Appointments:

Flexibility: If you are unable to make your scheduled slot, you can reschedule up to 3 times in a month after payment is made.

6 Numbers of Sessions:

The number of sessions you need is entirely your choice.  Our counsellor will not force a specific number of sessions. You can call as many times as you feel necessary, with no obligations.

7 Confidentiality of Counsellor’s Identity:

It is common for people to try to match past relationships with counsellors. Keeping the counsellor’s identity confidential ensures your comfort and privacy during sessions.

8 Secrecy of Your Identity:

The counsellor will not ask for your name, and no personal questions or data will be requested. You can be rest assured that your call is safe and confidential, aimed at easing your mind

9 Confidential Name:

You will be speaking with Mr. Counsellor, your name will be kept confidential for safety and comfort. If you wish to know the counsellor’s identity, it can be shared during the call.

How to Book an Appointment

Booking Process: WhatsApp or Call

You can book an appointment by reaching out to us via WhatsApp or by calling our mobile number at 8669618154.

Payment Methods: QR Code Payment

You can easily make payments using our provided QR code.


Mode of : Communication

Video / Audio Calls: We offer counselling sessions through platforms like Google Meet, Zoom, or Microsoft Teams. Choose the mode that makes you feel most comfortable.

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